Monday, February 05, 2007

Special House

Lesson Plan I

Teacher: Yadira Toledo
Age: 5-6 years of age Grade Level: K-1st grade
Title: My Special House

Brief History:
Every child has their own way of seeing where they live and what they are surrounded by. If they could make a house what would it look like? What colors will be used? Students are expected to use their creativity.

Goals: Students are to represent their house the way they would like to see it.

Objectives: Students will be able to
Demonstrate concepts of three dimensional objects.
Create their version of a house.
Use motor skills to cut cardboard.
Knowledge of geometric shapes.
Reflect on why they chose certain colors.
Learn how to use a ruler and recognize the numbers as inches.

Requirements: Students are to:
1. Follow all directions step by step.
2. Finish the building of the house before painting.
3. Discuss their art and reason behind their doing.
4. Take risk and stick with them.

Teacher’s Prep Materials
Story of the Three Little Pigs
paint and brushes
glitter and cotton
glue, construction paper

Ask students: Why do we live in houses? Tell the story of the Little Pigs.
After the story teacher will ask students why the three little pigs built houses? Then teacher will ask what are houses made out of? (Brick, stone, panel, wood, cement, etc.)
Students will then take time to think about how their imaginary house looks like.

1. Students will cut out already traced house from cardboard.
2. Fold the cardboard on dotted lines to form house.
3. Paste the house together.
4. Pick out the color that will be used to paint the house or construction paper.
5. Discuss different shapes and sizes of windows and doors.
6. Cut out windows and doors to glue on house.

For students that finish early they can start with the roof.

Ask students to talk about their house and why it they chose to do it the way they did.

Time Budget: Might take a class and a half.

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