Wednesday, November 01, 2006


In the Wild

We are off to the wild in Africa!

There are four parts to this adventure. There will be students assigned in groups of four!

All groups are to decide who will be the photographer, the researcher, the magazine editor and the leader.

Jobs definitions:
1. The leader- is the person who guides everyone through the whole adventure. You are to pick what locations to go and what type of vehicle to drive in to fit all the equipment and your group. Must have a list of supplies you will need. Meaning you must ask all your coworkers what supplies they need to do their part and how much it will cost. Please make sure you have enough and it is a reasonable amount for everyone to share.
2. The photographer – is the person who takes pictures of all discovered items and traveled places. This is to keep a diary or documentation of where the group has pass and seen. In this assignment you will be collecting images from the web to place in the magazine. Make sure the images go with what the research is about.
3. The researcher- is the person who actually collects the data that is found through the journey. You must write everything in your own words. Plagiarisms is bad and will cause you and your group a failing grade. Document all the landmarks, the names of the places and animals you find. Make sure you have a vocabulary list of words you think might help the audience understand your magazine better.
4. The magazine editor- is the person who takes all the images and data and puts it in a magazine layout. You are basically in charge of all the duties of magazine layout. Which means the font “text”, colors, and display of the information gathered by your group.

Websites to look at:

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I really enjoy that your WebQuest is a role playing activity because I think that it could be engaging for a younger age group. I curious to know what grades you were targeting. I think you could even ask your students to dress in safari costume, and pack picnic lunches that day so the WebQuest becomes an immersive experience. ha ha